Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Lily Myers Fundraising for Kenya

My first event was a Table Top Sale. Inviting local people to dig out their unwanted items and sell them. I charged £4 per table and my family sold refreshments. We made over £200!      

Fundraising for +Camps International expedition to Kenya.

Took 18 months and hard work but worth it!

I put an advert in our local newsletter asking for car boot items.  I was inundated with things. Those which were too good to car boot I put on Ebay.

Mother’s day came next
I had a lot of vintage tea cups and saucers given to me for car boots so I bought some spring bulbs and  got planting. I sold them for £4 each – so pretty!                                                          

Car Boot Car Boot
Car Boot – getting a bit fed up, we car booted throughout summer..very hard work!

Jamming in July!
My grandparents have a large garden and lots of fruit bushes. Mum helped me to make jam. I charged £2 - £2.50 a jar.
Redcurrant jelly, Blackcurrant, Raspberry and Gooseberry Jam was very popular.

Christmas Fayre      
Our small village has never had a proper Christmas Fayre so I contacted local small businesses and asked if they’d like to take part. We filled the hall with 15 stallholders and charged them £10 per table. My little brother and my cousin ran a tombola, Grandpa decorated the hall with lights and a lovely Christmas tree.
Mum baked loads of cakes and buns and Mum and Dad manned the kitchen making tea, coffee and mulled wine.  We opened the doors at 1pm and after a nervous five minutes hoping people would come – they started streaming in. All the stallholders said they had done well. This event was quite easy to organise and we will probably do it again next year as the local villagers really loved it.

Bag packing in Morrisons, a 10K fun run and the never ending car boots helped me to reach my target

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