Tuesday, 24 September 2013

I recently went to Kenya with +Camps International and spent some time with the Imani Women's Group.
As part of my ASDAN Cope Award I did some research into Voi Town and the problems faced by young women who live there

Due to the increased amount of young girls going into the world of prostitution the spread of HIV/AIDS has vastly conquered much of Kenya in a short period of time. Many girls lack the information and knowledge about learning about the practice of safe sex and using protection when being involved in sexual activates. Since girls are extremely vulnerable, living in poverty with no food or money they lack the opportunities for education or even employment.
Source Wikipedia
The Challenges faced by East Africa (source asanteafrica.org
141,000,000 people in East Africa live on less than $2 US/day. Typical family has 6 children. Cost of education remains the largest obstacle: $750 full board, $30 uniform/shoes, $30 school supplies. Low innovation and entrepreneurship contributes to high unemployment rates and dependency on foreign aid.
Access to Education
East Africa has high initial primary enrolment rates (>90%), but 30-40% of students leave before they complete primary school. In 2007, only 25% of elementary school students went on to high school because of the expenses. In 2006, 101 million children – more than half of them girls – were not attending primary school; the majority of these children live in sub-Saharan Africa. Sexual violence, unsafe school environments and inadequate sanitation disproportionately affect girls’ self-esteem, participation and retention in school.
Quality of Education
East Africa struggles to provide quality education and infrastructure as indicated by student-to-teacher ratios, primary completion rates, secondary enrolment, and youth literacy rates.
Student-to-teacher ratios have increased in sub-Saharan Africa due to mandatory enrollment, creating an average ratio of 72 students to 1 teacher.
Four million new primary school teachers are needed in East Africa alone to reach the goal of universal primary education by 2015.
Crowded and dilapidated classrooms, coupled with insufficient teaching resources and instructional time, reflect well-below average standard of educational institutions. Advanced learning is impeded due to non-existent basic maths and science materials.

Voi Town is a market town in southern Kenya (Taita Taveta County), lying on the edge of the Tsavo National Park. It lies at the junction of the railway lines from Nairobi to Mombasa and Taveta. Also the Voi Sisal Estates are located near the town. Voi is also located near some Taita villages like, Ikanga and Mkwachunyi.
Voi's town centre consists of mostly general stores, shops, markets, kiosks and few hotels. Most lodges are located in the suburbs or on the edge of the small town. Voi is also home to a train station. Voi is located in the Taita-Taveta District, Coast Province. It recently became a district.
According to local history the name of town comes from a slave trader called Chief Kivoi who settled near the Voi river about 400 hundred years ago. There after the town grew as a trade post between the local Taita people, other Kenyan tribes and Arabs.
The town started to grow at the end of the 19th century when the Uganda Railway was constructed. People started to move in to work on the railway and the nearby sisal estates.
Source www.voimunicipal.org

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